The Little Pink Purse of Courage: Questions on Breast Cancer
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
You have Breast Cancer and will need chemotherapy: Do you know what to ask when you sit across the physician as the treatment plan is outlined and the doctor asks , “Do you have any questions?” Well, this new book, The Little Pink Purse of Courage: When Breast Cancer is the Diagnosis and Chemotherapy is the Treatment will provide you with all the questions you need to ask and have answered by the physician who will treat and manage your breast cancer.
Almost 10 years ago, Patricia Edwards' eldest sister was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was a devastating moment when the surgical oncologist shared the diagnosis with them and told her sister she would need chemotherapy before he would perform surgery on her breast. Before her first visit to the medical oncologist Edwards wrote four pages of questions, which she asked her to give the oncologist. Our sister-in-law attended this visit. Edwards' sister reported the doctor read all the questions.
Eight years later, Edwards' sister was discharged and the physician commented on the questions. It was at that time the idea of writing THE LITTLE PINK PURSE OF COURAGE: WHEN BREAST CANCER IS THE DIAGNOSIS AND CHEMOTHERAPY IS THE TREATMENT OPTION had its beginnings. This booklet of 41 questions is there for you when you make your first visit and the physician says: “Do you have any questions for me?” At that point even the most articulate and courageous among us, lose our voice and feel suspended from the reality which is going around us.
What happens instead is the disbelief, the fear, the anxiety, the worry, the sadness and the anger take over and all of this tends to affect your ability to really hear what your physicians are saying. It is very important to take someone with you. This is a “must have” book for women and men with invasive breast cancer. It is your support network in your purse, your man bag or your pocket.
The good news for women and men, who are diagnosed with breast cancer today, is this disease is now considered a chronic illness instead of a terminal one. Most people who are diagnosed if treated, will survive and most are living 20 years after diagnosis.
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