Poetry Groove

From Dream to Reality

A Poem for President Barack H. Obama II

Numbers like words are extremely powerful.
Twenty-three months ago, you stepped out
on faith.
A man on a mission with a serious purpose.
That of imagination being unlimited and truly
Today, January 20, 2009, marks the beginning
of the rest of our lives.
At 12:04 p.m., you spoke those 35 words of
In 20 minutes, you did what you do very well ~
speak inspiration, hope, and great determination.
Martin Luther King, Jr. was deep in your vocal
Mahatma Gandhi surfaced through your features
and spoken direction for the country.
He was the "Father of the Nation" and regarded
as a "Great Soul."
You are a "Leader of Change."
Like Pablo Picasso, passion exuded in every word
of your speech while cool and reserved blended in
with the breeze in the air about you.
Back to imagining as "we the people" will forever
wonder the thoughts you were thinking as you
walked through the doors built by the hands of slaves.
And the words within scrabble are befitting because
all is clear now as you brace this time in history that
is real.
There's a new kind of peace in view as people exercise
acts of change everywhere for the betterment of the
world in which we reside.
Like John Coltrane reshaped modern jazz and influenced
generations of great musicians.
You're reshaping the world bringing people of all races
and culture together.
You're the new sound of music on blast.
A picture perfect moment where freedom will ring loud as it
possibly can, the dream is living, and your journey begins.
Behind your walk will be God, the ancestors, your parents
and grandparents, family, the love of your life Michelle,
your daughters Malia and Sasha, and "We The People"
who Believe In YOU!
01/20/09 ~ Rebecca "Butterfly" Vaughns ~ Int'l Spoken Word Artist/Author
Miami, FL  

Poetry Moment: What a Woman!

A heart of immeasurable aptitude still able to give when there is nothing left

Always considering the needs of others, before she does for herself

Daily prayer for her family, her friends, and her enemies as well

Willing to give it another try even after she has failed

Crying out to the Father on those nights she feels broken, battered, and abused

Asking God to lead her down the right path, where she needs to be used

A broken heart, a shattered dream, but still she manages to strive

The scars of her wounds are clearly visible, impossible for her to hide

Yet she's fearless, clearly a woman of faith, because God is ordering her steps

For she knows that being a woman of God she is surely kept

She will never surrender to the hands of the enemy, she will never give in to smite

For she is familiar with the miracles of God, many are performed in her life

Through wind, rain, trials and tribulations she will never fret

For she knows that "God" is not through with her yet

© 2008 Writings by Avis P. Raines

Obama ‘08

Poet Rebecca "Butterfly" Vaughns has taken her support for Senator Barack Obama to another level. Check out her slamming hair design. Now that's tight work.

Poet ~ Rebecca "Butterfly" Vaughns

Friday, September 26, 2008

Merv "The Barber" ~ Forensic Cutz ~ 18162 NW 2nd Avenue ~ (305)654-8511



© 2008, Blogging Black Miami, www.bloggingblackmiami.com



In Tribute to Barack Obama: The Journey



I wish I could see the smile on Martin's face.

I wish I could get a glimpse of Malcom's they

just don't know grin.

I wish I could be the pen in Langston's hand

right now.

See, it's been a journey but that's nothing new

for black folks especially the Black Man.

Continue reading "In Tribute to Barack Obama: The Journey" »

Rebecca “Butterfly” Vaughns’ Tribute to Black Men

Local word weaver, Rebecca "Butterfly" Vaughns, is at it again. Her latest production is a tribute to black men. Check out Celebrating 100 Years of Great Black Men, 7 PM, June 28th at the Joseph Caleb Center Auditorium, 5400 NW 22nd Avenue, Miami. For tickets and information: Call 305-836-3572 or e-mail: [email protected].

Butterfly's MySpace Page: http://www.myspace.com/oneflypoet 

Here is a piece to be accompanied by music and during a PowerPoint presentation that will feature photos of great black men in every profession known to mankind from 1908-2008. It will open the show. Enjoy the read.


Continue reading "Rebecca “Butterfly” Vaughns’ Tribute to Black Men" »